Friday, November 30, 2012

croptober fest 2012

So it took me a while to post these... for croptober fest this year we did one card and one border. These were the samples I came up with for this year. I think I did too many last year and people where overwhelmed.

Start to finish layout (school zone)

first I chose my photos

then I chose my color pattern. I also decided to make a card

I start playing around with my pages to see what I come up with

I have never done a scrapbook page with banners so I want to give it a try
I am a color person so even though I decided to use color photos a 100% black and white page was too pain.
 Creative Memories sells paper ribbon ( the one I used in this layout is sticky so no need to find something to glue it down) I cut up paper frames because that is something I don't always use so I am trying to find a way to use my scraps. So if you have tons of scraps lying around try doing a banner!
Still needed a little more color... so I dug out my scraps and found a scrap that was torn and I decided to add it to my page

added the green ribbon.... just needed the last little bit of color

so I tried to add color to the second page to tie it to my first page but it was too much

this is what I came up with

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Be You Be Happy

Hopefully it won't be another month before I post again. I have been busy; my little boy just started Pre K and he keeps me busy. The job gets in the way of my scrapbooking time too... Ah well. I have lots of stuff coming in preparation for croptober fest I just need a little motivation and a lot of time. Here is another layout for you.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

jumping playground

I haven't posted in a month and a half... yikes. I have been busy busy busy. I am back now though! Lots of fun stuff coming. First of all here is a new layout. Mostly it is two pattern papers (the blue and red) and two colors. I basically ripped paper and put it down.It was nice to rip paper; not as easy as it looks though to make a pattern but I liked it. What do you think?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

So Cute

I don't normally use photos bigger than 4 x 6 due to the cost. I can buy a 4 x 6 for as low as 13 cents if I print a lot or as much as 28 cents if I do instant prints. Gets expensive since I just LOVE SCRAPBOOKING! Still 28 cents is not a bad price. Going up a size though; its expensive. One 5 x7 is around $1.50 and an 8 x 10 is about $2.50. That is too much of a price difference for my taste and until I get a nice printer at home I am happy with cheap 4 x 6 photos. Every once in a while though you just have to use something a little bigger. I LOVE this layout.

Pop Up Card

First of all thanks to Melani Hawkins for showing me this card. I love it! So I made my own instructions and I am now sharing with you.
Here is my template. The dashed blue and red lines are score marks. Make sure you fold each one a few times both in and out. The reason for this is that it will be easier to work on the paper. Then hold the two flaps at the end and gently push the triangle backwards so the center diamond 'pops' out!

I chose a pattern paper that is not too busy. Something pretty so you don't have to spend a lot of time decorating.

this is the back of the card. I added a tag and it says you are darling. The diamond on the inside is great to add a message to whomever you  are giving this card to.

I added some butterfly and flower decorations.

the back with the flower I used to 'close' the card

end of zoo album

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Project 366 -

I stopped putting my project 366 pages on pintrest. I was getting some strange people following my boards. I don't mind scrapbookers seeing my stuff but I went to check out these people that were following my boards and they were not scrapbookers. I figured they were spam accounts so I got rid of my personal board.