Thursday, March 24, 2016

Valentine's cards!

Just some cute and simple Valentine's Day cards. 
I didn't work on Valentine's Day and I had made about 20 of these monster cards. I played around with colors and number of eyes. They are super simple and cute. Then I took the boys to my work and passed them around. They had a blast. They loved going around to my coworkers and giving them a special treat. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Red Velvet Cards

These cards were made from a kit I purchased from paper wishes. I loved working with it. I was working on these around Christmas time. They do have a Christmas time feel without being all holiday.

Christmas Cards

I had made a lot of cards and I was getting burned out. So by Christmas I was not making too many more. Plus my cricut needed a new blade and new mats and I didn't have the money to buy them. I made others but apparently didn't photograph them.